Cyber Monday + Holiday Training

Happy Cyber Monday! A new workout outfit always gets me motivated, but there aren't many deals out there for the fitness gal this year. It's just another day at the office over at my favs - Lululemon and Patagonia. I did find Athleta has 20% off everything, so check that out.

Since I can't find inspiration in a new outfit, maybe this photo from Lululemon will help!
And as promised, here is my training schedule for the Hot Chocolate 15K on January 13. I get bored easily running day after day, so I developed the plan below with three goals in mind, incorporating the sports I love while improving my running speed and endurance.

1. Maintain triathlon sports. I am not working on form or drills, just maintaining my endurance
2. Develop muscle tone through weight lifting. During tri season this area will be cut back
3. Stay healthy through the holidays as sweets and sugary drinks are plentiful

Disclaimer: I am not a certified personal trainer or a doctor. My training plan was developed from experience alone and may not work for everyone.

Like us on facebook to join in on group runs and workouts!


  1. Good Luck Chicka!! Can't wait to see you shortly in SAV.

  2. I got so excited when I saw "Cyber Monday" and "Lululemon" in the same sentence. Bummer they aren't participating. Do they EVER go on sale? Hope you had a great holiday! I, too, am trying to stay healthy through the holidays - for this race and for my family's Caribbean Christmas vacation. Bikinis in December = YIKES
